The community for EV

Join the ecosystem

We're a bunch of EV-minded people
on a mission to expand the EV Universe.

The EV Universe community platform overview

What you'll get:

📊 The Pro Reports

Deep dive in the weekly industry reports that offer more data and seek to connect the big picture.

📅 Member Events

Enjoy our monthly meetings, live interviews and more, all within the platform.

🗓️ Industry Event Calendar

Never miss the perfect online/live EV event again. We curate these ahead of time across the Universe.

🤝 Connections

Connect with a high concentration of EV-minded people.
High signal, low noise.

📈 Tools: Stock Tracker

Track and discover new companies with curated 120+ EV-related stocks, updating live.

🌎 Tools: EV Industry Map

Explore the interactive map of the EV industry, with 1,550 connections and expanding.

🧠 Discussions

An asynchronous and intuitive platform for discussions and a shortcut to all our resources.

📚 Evolving ecosystem

I do this full time, so you'll get more tools and features along the way.

💡 Easter Eggs

Enter the code "10EGGS" for a plan below and score -10% for a year. I bet most people won't see this.

📊 The Pro Reports

Deep dive in the weekly industry reports that offer more data and seek to connect the big picture.

🗓️ Industry Event Calendar

Never miss the perfect online/live EV event again. We curate these ahead of time across the Universe.

📅 Member Events

Enjoy our monthly meetings, live interviews and more, all within the platform.

📈 Tools: Stock Tracker

Track and discover new companies with curated 120+ EV-related stocks, updating live.

🌎 Tools: EV Industry Map

Explore the interactive map of the EV industry, with 1,550 connections and expanding.

🤝 Connections

Connect with a high concentration of EV-minded people.
High signal, low noise.

🧠 Discussions

An asynchronous and intuitive platform for discussions and a shortcut to all our resources.

📚 Evolving ecosystem

I do this full time, so you'll get more tools and features along the way.

💡 Easter Eggs

Enter the code "10EGGS" for a plan below and score a -10% for a year. I bet most people won't see this.

Our Pro members say:

Image of Trent Warnke

Trent Warnke

Senior Director, Energy and Charging at RIVIAN

I can read the Pro newsletter and get what I need from 90% of the articles without having to read them all myself. 
I can then click through the links to read in detail if I want to know more on a specific topic.

Additionally, the community is shaping up nicely and I expect I'll spend much more time communicating directly with other community members as it continues to grow.

Image of a person who wrote the testimonial

Michael Peters


Like many of you, I got hooked on the EV Universe from the free weekly emails, and I wanted to support the creation of the content and recognize the value I was receiving.

A lifetime membership allowed me to provide the support to grow these resources while allowing me to grow along with it - all of our careers will undoubtedly change along with the industry, so what better way to be prepared.

Image of a person who wrote the testimonial

Tim Benford

President of

What made me want a lifetime membership was that I was joining a social EV environment where you meet fellow enthusiasts online, share stories with them, and build the EV movement.

The EV Universe is a set of easy to use communication tools, with access to discussions on all EV topics, via one app. I couldn’t be happier!

Become a Pro Member

Each plan comes with an instant access to the resources and discussions.

Monthly Pro


Access to the whole Universe.
Easy to join and get all the perks.

You'll get access to:
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the Pro community platform and discussions
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Pro Report every Friday
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Full Industry Map
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Full Stock Tracker
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EVent calendar
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No ads
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[COMING] AMA's with experts
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[COMING] more features
Go monthly

Founding member
(lifetime access)

$450 once

You'll become a founding member with extra perks. For life.

You'll get:
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Everything I'll ever make at no extra cost
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A Founding Member badge
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Your own ad or shoutout in our newsletter
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Early access to content and resources
The price increases $50 per every 5 founding members, we started at $250. Five left @ $450.
Go lifetime

Can't decide? Maybe this helps:

Currently, 25% of the members have chosen the monthly, 40% the annual and 35% the lifetime plan.

We also offer team plans with personal approaches - ask me at